Heitritter Collections & Museum

Collections Online -> Antiques -> Toys

Child's toy suit of armor
circa 1910-1931

Child's doughboy army helmet, single-hole
circa 1918-1943

Holgate #432 Craftsman Blocks (colored; incomplete set)
circa 1929

Possible early Holgate 48 Plain Junior Blocks in wagon
circa 1929-1933

Unknown wooden fort set
circa 1929-1960

"tinkerbeads" train car full of beads
circa 1930

Holgate #??? Walking Animal, Bear
circa 1930-1931

Holgate #301 "Walking Animal, Dog", with shoestring
circa 1930-1933

Holgate Bros. Raggedy Ann and Andy plaque
circa 1930-1933

Playskool peg-ball board
circa 1930-1945

Possible Holgate Walking Animal, Dachshund
circa 1930-1940

Small cloth bag for brush handles, Holgate Brothers Co.
circa 1930

Holgate #106 "Porcupine Blocks", bag only
circa 1931

Holgate #473 "Boole Blocks"
circa 1931-1935

"Playskool Toys: Learning While Playing", catalog
circa 1932-1951

Holgate #1036 "String O' Cars", in box
circa 1932

Holgate #106 "Peg Porcupine", in box
circa 1932

Holgate #1082 "Bingo Bed", Type I
circa 1932-1935

Holgate #12 "Goldilocks and the Three Bears", in damaged box
circa 1932-1933

Holgate #12 "Goldilocks and the Three Bears", with box
circa 1932-1933

Holgate #486 "Nested Blocks", Type 1, early
circa 1932-1934

Holgate #81 Blox Kids
circa 1932-1934

Holgate #Unknown Green Juniors Wagon with 19 Colored Blocks
circa 1932-1935

Holgate #1004 "Peg Board", early (Type 1 decal)
circa 1933

Holgate #1010 "Criss Cross Rattlers"
circa 1933

Holgate #106 Peg Porcupine (round decal)
circa 1933

Holgate #11 "Old Woman in Shoe", with partial box
circa 1933

Holgate #443 "Jerry Blocks"
circa 1933

Holgate #54 "Holgate Ferry", Educational Play Materials
circa 1933

Holgate unknown "Color Cone", early
circa 1933

"The Holgate Play Year" (1934 catalog)
circa 1934

Holgate #??? Colored Junior Blocks, in green wagon
circa 1934-1935

Holgate #10 "Mother Goose Play Tray"
circa 1934-1935

Holgate #1004 "Peg Board" (missing 7 pegs)
circa 1934-1935

Holgate #1052 "Color Cone", early
circa 1934-1935

Holgate #1052 "Color Cone", partial, early
circa 1934-1935

Holgate #1055 Fairyland Queen (type 1), Type 2 decal
circa 1934

Holgate #106 Peg Porcupine
circa 1934

Holgate #1082 "Bingo Bed", Type I, marked
circa 1934-1935

Holgate #12 "Goldilocks and the Three Bears", 2 bears only
circa 1934-1935

Holgate #157 "Bucktail Stockade"
circa 1934-1935

Holgate #157 "Bucktail Stockade", nearly complete
circa 1934-1935

Holgate #202 "Fishing Game"
circa 1934-1935

Holgate #2034 or #2036 "Noah's Ark", 1 bear only
circa 1934-1935

Holgate #2040 "African Pull Zoo Animals", incomplete
circa 1934-1935

Holgate #21 "Stable"
circa 1934-1935

Holgate #21 Stable (missing roof and figures)
circa 1934-1935

Holgate #424 24 Junior Blocks, Colored, in wagon (bottom marked)
circa 1934-1935

Holgate #424 24 Junior Blocks, Colored, in wagon (unmarked)
circa 1934-1935

Holgate #427 "54 Junior Blocks in Wagon, Plain"
circa 1934-1935

Holgate #428 54 Colored Junior Blocks in Wagon, incomplete
circa 1934-1935

Holgate #428 54 Colored Junior Blocks in Wagon, no pull-string
circa 1934-1935

Holgate #52 "Freight Lighter", with cargo
circa 1934

Holgate #54 "Holgate Ferry"
circa 1934-1935

Holgate #705 "Treasure Keg"
circa 1934-1935

Holgate #714 "Rhythm Dumb-bells"
circa 1934-1935

Holgate #719 "Peggity" or "Donkey Peg"
circa 1934-1935

Holgate #721 "Baby Push", Type 1
circa 1934-1935

Possible Holgate #1053 "Color Cone Cadet"
circa 1934-1935

"The Preschool Child and his play materials", Holgate Toys catalog, 1935
circa 1935

Holgate #1010 "Criss-Cross Peg Board"
circa 1935

Holgate #1035 "Baby Train", early
circa 1935

Holgate #1051 "Color Post"
circa 1935

Holgate #1058 "Color Cone"
circa 1935

Holgate #1101 Rocky Toy, "Roro, The Clown"
circa 1935

Holgate #1103 Rocky Toy, "Rollo the Cadet"
circa 1935

Holgate #20 Hay Barn (top only)
circa 1935

Holgate #398 Junior Block Assortment: 4 Curves, Colored
circa 1935-1941

Holgate #426 36 Colored Junior Blocks in Wagon, block variation
circa 1935-1936

Holgate #726 "Toyland Tower"
circa 1935

Holgate #726 "Toyland Tower", incomplete
circa 1935

Holgate #728 "Triform Cart", early
circa 1935

Holgate #733 “Clock Game”
circa 1935

Playskool "Transportation Set", locomotive only
circa 1935

Holgate #1034 Kindergarten Beads
circa 1936-1945

Holgate #1035 "Baby Train"
circa 1936-1938

Holgate #1052 "Color Cone"
circa 1936-1950

Holgate #1052 "Color Cone", early (partial)
circa 1936-1938

Holgate #1055 Fairyland Queen (type 1), incomplete
circa 1936

Holgate #1055 Fairyland Queen (type 1), Type 4a decal
circa 1936

Holgate #1107 "Rocky Color Cone", early (incomplete)
circa 1936-1937

Holgate #2040 "African Animals", partial set
circa 1936

Holgate #311 or #312 "Juniors Blocks" wagon (no blocks)
circa 1936-1937

Holgate #313 18 Plain Junior Blocks in wagon
circa 1936-1937

Holgate #315 or #316 Junior Blocks Wagon (for 24 blocks, ship theme)
circa 1936-1937

Holgate #335 "60 Two x Four Blocks, Plain, in Bag"
circa 1936-1938

Holgate #719 "Donkey Peg" in box
circa 1936

Holgate #719 Donkey Peg
circa 1936-1937

Holgate #735 "Play Time Clock"
circa 1936

Holgate #740 "A Little Loom", in box
circa 1936-1937

Tootsietoy #111 green Ford Sedan
circa 1936-1941

Tootsietoy #112 blue Ford Coupe
circa 1936-1941

Tootsietoy #112 red Ford Coupe
circa 1936-1941

Tootsietoy #113 blue Ford Wrecker
circa 1936-1951

Holgate #1000 “Betty Wood and Billy Wood”
circa 1937

Holgate #1000 Betty Wood and Billy Wood (Betty only)
circa 1937

Holgate #1003 "Wheel Peg", Type I
circa 1937

Holgate #1102 "Rocky Duck" or "Rocky Goose and Pig"
circa 1937-1938

Holgate #257 "Auto Ferry", type 1
circa 1937-1938

Holgate #314 18 Colored Junior Blocks in wagon (ship theme)
circa 1937

Holgate #607 "Color Cone Peg Cart", in box
circa 1937

Holgate #728 "Triform Cart"
circa 1937-1938

Holgate #905 Play Cabinet, Type 1
circa 1937

Holgate Toys Junior Blocks instructions
circa 1937

"For the Pre-School Child", Holgate Toys brochure (dark)
circa 1938

[ no image ]
"Holgate Toys" Catalog, 1938
circa 1938

Holgate #1003 "Wheel Peg", Type II
circa 1938-1942

Holgate #1008 "Round Try Board"
circa 1938-1939

Holgate #1052 "Color Cone", 4b decal
circa 1938-1942

Holgate #1053 "Fairyland Prince"
circa 1938-1940

Holgate #1053 "Fairyland Prince", (ring variation)
circa 1938-1940

Holgate #1055 "Fairyland Queen", type 2
circa 1938-1940

Holgate #1055 "Fairyland Queen", type 2, in box
circa 1938-1940

Holgate #1060 Color Cone Tree, type 1
circa 1938-1941

Holgate #1082 "Bingo Bed", plain, with red and yellow mallet
circa 1938

Holgate #1082 "Bingo Bed", plain, with two mallets
circa 1938

Holgate #1107 "Rocky Color Cone", missing green ring
circa 1938-1942

Holgate #1107 "Rocky Color Cone", partial
circa 1938-1942

Holgate #1107 "Rocky Color Cone", white base
circa 1938-1941

Holgate #12 Storybook Cottage
circa 1938

Holgate #1202 Jack and Jill (Jack only)
circa 1938-1939

Holgate #1202 Jack and Jill (Jill only)
circa 1938-1939

Holgate #207 "Junior Sand Tools", in box
circa 1938

Holgate #209 Colored Pail
circa 1938-1941

Holgate #353 "24 Junior Blocks in Wagon, Plain"
circa 1938

Holgate #354 "24 Junior Blocks in Wagon, Colored"
circa 1938

Holgate #355 "36 Junior Blocks in Wagon, Plain"
circa 1938

Holgate #356 "36 Junior Blocks in Wagon, Colored", incomplete
circa 1938

Holgate #488 "Nested Sound Blocks", Type 1
circa 1938

Holgate #520 Playroom Blocks in Wagon
circa 1938-1939

Holgate #520 Playroom Blocks wagon (only)
circa 1938-1939

Holgate #530 "Playroom Blocks in Bag"
circa 1938

Holgate #607 "Color Cone Peg Cart", incomplete
circa 1938-1939

Holgate #610 "Circus Wagon", type I
circa 1938

Holgate #610 "Circus Wagon", type I, incomplete
circa 1938

Holgate #610 "Circus Wagon", type I, no pegs or ball
circa 1938

Holgate #614 "Rollaboat"
circa 1938

Holgate #711 "Play Plates" (incomplete)
circa 1938-1941

Holgate #721 Baby Push, green stick
circa 1938-1942

Holgate #740 "A Little Loom"
circa 1938

Holgate #905 "Play Cabinet"
circa 1938

Holgate #905 "Play Cabinet" Type 2, incomplete
circa 1938

Holgate #905 "Play Cabinet", incomplete
circa 1938

Holgate #909 "Playroom Clock"
circa 1938

Unknown Holgate "Playroom clock"
circa 1938-1942

Holgate #201 "Fishing Game"
circa 1939

Holgate #260 "Noah's Ark"
circa 1939

Holgate #265 "Road Roller"
circa 1939

Holgate #311 or #312 Junior Blocks Wagon (likely)
circa 1939-1940

Holgate #352 Wagon with 16 Colored Junior Blocks
circa 1939-1940

Holgate #354 "24 Junior Blocks in Wagon, Plain"
circa 1939-1940

Holgate #354? 24 Junior Blocks in Wagon (incomplete)
circa 1939-1942

Holgate #610 "Circus Wagon", in box
circa 1939

Holgate #610 Circus Wagon
circa 1939

Holgate #618 "Auto Form Truck"
circa 1939-1940

Holgate #618 "Auto Form Truck", variation
circa 1939-1940

Holgate #628 Slide Blox Train, complete (missing/broken wheels)
circa 1939-1942

Holgate #915 "House that Jack Built"
circa 1939-1940

Holgate #915 "The House that Jack Built", box only
circa 1939-1940

"Holgate Toys" Catalog #17, 1940
circa 1940

Blockraft "Village Blocks", 79 pieces
circa 1940-1960

Holgate #1035 "Baby Train" in box
circa 1940

Holgate #1037 "Baby Choo Choo" locomotive with engineer
circa 1940-1941

Holgate #1037 Baby Choo Choo (red with blue)
circa 1940

Holgate #1050 Color Train
circa 1940-1941

Holgate #1062 "Concentration Towers"
circa 1940-1942

Holgate #1062 "Concentration Towers" (incomplete)
circa 1940-1942

Holgate #1082 "Bingo Bed", nursery rhyme theme
circa 1940-1941

Holgate #1082 "Bingo Bed", red flower theme
circa 1940-1946

Holgate #1112 "Captain Rocky"
circa 1940-1943

Holgate #1112 "Captain Rocky", poor finish
circa 1940

Holgate #1114 "Rocky Maid"
circa 1940

Holgate #1202 Jack and Jill (Jill only), late model
circa 1940

Holgate #1202 Jack and Jill, late, in box
circa 1940

Holgate #1942 "Anniversary Wagon Blocks" (colored)
circa 1940-1941

Holgate #226 "Sand Sifter Basket and Tools", without tools
circa 1940-1941

Holgate #246 Holgate-by-the-sea
circa 1940

Holgate #253 "Toy Tug Boat"
circa 1940

Holgate #257 Auto Ferry (incomplete)
circa 1940-1943

Holgate #258 "Paddle Wheel Steamer", Type 1
circa 1940

Holgate #262 "Noah's Ark"
circa 1940-1941

Holgate #266 "Road Roller"
circa 1940

Holgate #266 "Road Roller", missing string
circa 1940

Holgate #354 "24 Junior Blocks in Wagon, Colored" (circus theme)
circa 1940

Holgate #488 Nested Sound Blocks, Type 2
circa 1940-1941

Holgate #556 Colored Playroom Blocks in Wagon
circa 1940-1950

Holgate #560 60 Playroom Blocks in Bag
circa 1940-1942

Holgate #628 Slide Blox Train
circa 1940

Holgate #628 Slide Blox Train - Complete
circa 1940-1942

Holgate #628 Slide Blox Train, incomplete
circa 1940-1941

Holgate #633 Sportster Car (red)
circa 1940

Holgate #634 Camp Peg Trailer (rounded with decals)
circa 1940-1941

Holgate #634 Camp Peg Trailer (rounded)
circa 1940-1941

Holgate #639 Touring Sedan (green)
circa 1940

Holgate #784 "Bridge Blocks" in box
circa 1940

Holgate #784 "Bridge Blocks" in box, incomplete
circa 1940

Holgate #784 "Bridge Blocks", incomplete, partial box top
circa 1940

Holgate Anniversary Blocks bag, with wrong blocks
circa 1940-1952

Kilgore "Jewels for Playthings" blue express truck
circa 1940

Kilgore "Jewels for Playthings" red bus
circa 1940

Kilgore "Jewels for Playthings" red express truck
circa 1940

Kilgore "Jewels for Playthings" white sedan with gold paint
circa 1940

Kilgore "Jewels for Playthings" yellow sedan with gold paint
circa 1940

Kilgore "Jewels for Playtings" blue coupe
circa 1940

Kilgore "Jewels for Playtings" red coupe
circa 1940

Kilgore "Jewels for Playtings" red Taxi (darker red)
circa 1940

Kilgore "Jewels for Playtings" white limousine
circa 1940

Kilgore "Jewels for Playtings" yellow sedan
circa 1940

Kilgore "Jewels for Playtings" yellow truck
circa 1940

Maple tray with ship painting
circa 1940

Playskool #1010 Nok-out Bench, no mallet
circa 1940-1960

Set of 853 Halsam wooden "American Bricks", roofs and signs
circa 1940-1960

[ no image ]
Tootsietoy wooden pounding bench with mallet
circa 1940-1970

Unknown wooden boat dock
circa 1940

Unknown wooden clockwork paddleboat
circa 1940

"Holgate Toys" Catalog #18, 1941, laminated.
circa 1941

Holgate #1037 "Baby Choo Choo" locomotive
circa 1941-1946

Holgate #1048 "Junior Craftsman Apron", in box
circa 1941

Holgate #132 "Nesting Cup Cart" (type I), with box
circa 1941

Holgate #200 "Fishing Game", complete in box
circa 1941

Holgate #255 Derrick Freight Boat (incomplete)
circa 1941

Holgate #257 Auto Ferry, no cars
circa 1941

Holgate #259 "Sand Barge and Tug Boat", sand barge only
circa 1941-1942

Holgate #356 "36 Colored Junior Blocks in Wagon"
circa 1941

Holgate #486 "Nested Blocks", Type 2
circa 1941

Holgate #540 "Railroad Blocks", early
circa 1941

Holgate #550, Wagon of 50 Playroom Blocks (colored)
circa 1941-1942

Holgate #633 Sportster Car
circa 1941-1945

Holgate #636 Piper Cub Cruiser
circa 1941

Holgate #636 Piper Cub Cruiser, unpainted wings
circa 1941-1942

Holgate #637 Holgate Hose Fire Truck
circa 1941

Holgate #637 Hose Fire Truck
circa 1941

Holgate #638 Auto Convoy Trailer
circa 1941-1942

Holgate #639 "Touring Sedan", near mint
circa 1941-1943

Holgate #639 "Touring Sedan", in box
circa 1941-1943

[ no image ]
Holgate #639 "Touring Sedan", no pullstring
circa 1941

Holgate #639 Touring Sedan (green, no decal)
circa 1941-1943

Holgate #640 Jack Rabbit Bus (early)
circa 1941-1944

Holgate #640 Jack Rabbit Bus, early
circa 1941-1942

Holgate #666 "Army Six x Six"
circa 1941-1945

Holgate #666 "Army Six x Six" (with "US" on sides)
circa 1941-1945

Holgate #777 "Holgate Cherry Railroad"
circa 1941

Holgate #777 "Holgate Cherry Railroad", in box
circa 1941

Holgate 17/60 or 19/42 Anniversary Blocks bag (only)
circa 1941-1943

Holgate Anniversary Blocks bag (only)
circa 1941-1944

Sand shovel from Holgate #226 set
circa 1941

Holgate #12 "War Train?"
circa 1942-1943

Holgate #1942 "Anniversary Wagon Blocks" (colored), wartime
circa 1942-1943

Holgate #250 "Battle Cruiser"
circa 1942

Holgate #255 "Derrick Freight Boat", Type II
circa 1942

Holgate #352 16 Junior Blocks, Colored, in Wagon (V-for-Victory theme)
circa 1942-1945

Holgate #624 round-turret Army Tank with five crewmen
circa 1942

Holgate #624 round-turret Army Tank with four crewmen
circa 1942

Holgate #624? Tank with square turret
circa 1942

Holgate #664 "Army Jeep", lacking pull-string
circa 1942-1943

Holgate #664 Army Jeep
circa 1942-1943

Holgate #664 Army Jeep, body only
circa 1942-1943

Holgate #666 "Army Six x Six", with metal headlights
circa 1942-1945

Holgate #666 "The Army Six by Six", in box
circa 1942-1943

Holgate #669 "'155 M. M.' Tank", blue star variation, with box
circa 1942-1943

Holgate #669 "155 M.M. Tank"
circa 1942-1945

Holgate #669 "155 M.M. Tank" (incomplete)
circa 1942-1943

Holgate #669 "155 M.M. Tank", early
circa 1942

Holgate #669, "155 M.M." Tank in box
circa 1942-1945

Holgate #669, self-propelled gun
circa 1942-1945

Holgate #670 Army Ambulance
circa 1942-1945

Wooden toy warship, "H-588"
circa 1942-1945

Holgate #1037 "Baby Choo-Choo" in box
circa 1943-1946

Holgate #1037 "Baby Choo-Choo", with pull-string and ball
circa 1943-1946

Holgate #1052 Color Cone
circa 1943-1947

Holgate #1082 "Bingo Bed" in white box
circa 1943-1944

Holgate #1107 "Rocky Color Cone", Type 4c decal
circa 1943-1944

Holgate #1212 Activity Train (locomotive)
circa 1943-1949

Holgate #1212 Activity Train (wartime)
circa 1943-1944

Holgate #130 "Sailor Peg Boat", in box
circa 1943-1946

Holgate #258 "Paddle Wheel Steamer", Type 2
circa 1943

Holgate #610 Circus Wagon (red wheels)
circa 1943-1947

Holgate #624 Battle Tank
circa 1943-1945

Holgate #624 Battle Tank (#2)
circa 1943-1945

Holgate #624 Battle Tank (#3)
circa 1943-1945

Holgate #624 Battle Tank (#4)
circa 1943-1945

Holgate #624 Battle Tank in original box
circa 1943-1945

Holgate #624 Battle Tank, with pull string (#6)
circa 1943-1945

Holgate #633 Sportster Car (red and white people)
circa 1943-1945

Holgate #633 Sportster Car, red with yellow decal
circa 1943-1945

Holgate #634 "Camp Peg Trailer" with painted headlights
circa 1943-1946

Holgate #634 Camp Peg Trailer
circa 1943-1946

Holgate #638 Auto Convoy Trailer (#3)
circa 1943-1948

Holgate #639 Touring Sedan, oak?
circa 1943-1945

Holgate #665 "Jeep Tank Destroyer"
circa 1943

Holgate #665 "Jeep Tank Destroyer", in box
circa 1943

Holgate #670 Army Ambulance with 3 white and 4 green men
circa 1943-1945

Holgate #721 Baby Push
circa 1943-1947

Holgate #755 Form Peg Wagon, 5-hole
circa 1943-1949

Holgate #790 "Old Woman of the Lacing Shoe", with laces
circa 1943-1947

Holgate labor strike supporter button
circa 1943

Holgate #132 "Nesting Cup Cart" (type II), with box
circa 1944-1946

"Holgate Toys" Catalog #21, 1945
circa 1945

Holgate #1003 "Wheel Peg", missing pull string
circa 1945-1946

Holgate #1212 "Activity Train" in box, transitional
circa 1945-1946

Holgate #1212 Activity Train with box
circa 1945-1948

Holgate #1942 "Anniversary" wagon and block set
circa 1945-1950

Holgate #640 "Jack Rabbit Bus" (no pull string)
circa 1945-1946

Holgate #640 "Jack Rabbit Bus" with people
circa 1945-1946

Holgate #640 "Jack Rabbit Bus", Type II with pull-string
circa 1945-1946

Holgate #640 "Jack Rabbit Bus", Type II, with box
circa 1945-1946

Holgate #640 Jack Rabbit Bus
circa 1945-1946

Holgate #640 Jack Rabbit Bus with pull string
circa 1945-1946

Holgate #666 "Big Six Truck"
circa 1945-1946

Holgate #670 Holgate Hospital
circa 1945-1946

Set of three jeeps from Holgate #257 "Auto Ferry"
circa 1945

"Holgate Toys" catalog #22, 1946 (with punched hole)
circa 1946

Holgate #1003 "Wheel Peg", Type II, with box
circa 1946

Holgate #1060 Color Cone Tree, type 2
circa 1946-1947

Holgate #1060 Color Cone Tree, type 2, unpainted trunk
circa 1946-1947

Holgate #1082 "Bingo Bed"
circa 1946

Holgate #1212 Activity Train (with cars)
circa 1946-1947

Holgate #263 Toy Tug Boat
circa 1946-1948

Holgate #5171 Braiding Toy
circa 1946-1948

Holgate #5171 Braiding Toy, unused
circa 1946-1948

Holgate #638 Auto Convoy Trailer (late narrow trailer)
circa 1946-1948

Holgate #647 "Hook & Ladder"
circa 1946-1947

Holgate #675 Station Wagon in box
circa 1946-1947

Holgate #676 Jet Plane
circa 1946

Holgate #678 Holgate Dump Truck
circa 1946-1949

Holgate #678 Holgate Dump Truck, new, in box
circa 1946-1949

Holgate #790 "Old Woman of the Lacing Shoe"
circa 1946-1948

"Holgate Toys", 1947 Catalogue No. 23, punched
circa 1947

Holgate #1052 "Color Cone", with type 4c decal
circa 1947-1951

Holgate #1504 "Form Cone"
circa 1947-1948

Holgate #1512 "Puzzle Post"
circa 1947

Holgate #51 "Time-A-Roo" play clock in box
circa 1947

Holgate #641 "School Bus", type I
circa 1947-1948

Holgate #790 "Old Woman of the Lacing Shoe" and 13 people
circa 1947-1948

"Holgate Toys" Catalog, 1948
circa 1948

Holgate #1052 "Color Cone", late, in partial box
circa 1948-1953

Holgate #1060 Color Cone Tree, type 2, type 5 decal
circa 1948-1953

Holgate #1107 "Rocky Color Cone", late
circa 1948-1951

Holgate #130 Sailor Boy Peg Boat, six sailors
circa 1948-1949

Holgate #132 "Nesting Cup Cart" (type II), late
circa 1948-1949

Holgate #172 "Baby's First Peg Car", green
circa 1948-1953

Holgate #172 Baby's First Peg Car
circa 1948-1953

Holgate #2012 "Rattle Thumper"
circa 1948-1950

Holgate #215 "Sand Pail and Shovel" (pail only)
circa 1948

Holgate #215 shovel (missing sand pail)
circa 1948

Holgate #243 Dump Cart
circa 1948-1955

Holgate #2620 "Noah's Ark"
circa 1948-1951

Holgate #5137 "Streamliner Choo Choo", new in box
circa 1948

Holgate #536 "Wagon of 36 Playroom Blocks, Colored"
circa 1948-1950

Holgate #540 "Railroad Blocks", incomplete and damaged
circa 1948-1950

Holgate #639 "Touring Sedan", body only
circa 1948

Holgate #671 Peg Play Farm Truck
circa 1948-1949

Holgate #727 Ducking Duck
circa 1948

Lot of buckets from Holgate #5202 Jack and Jill
circa 1948-1950

"Holgate Toys" catalog #25, 1949
circa 1949

Holgate #104 Rocking Horse Counting Frame
circa 1949-1951

Holgate #1212 "Activity Train", Type II
circa 1949-1950

Holgate #5135 Baby Train (locomotive only)
circa 1949-1952

"holgate toys" brochure, 1950
circa 1950

Holgate #130 "Sailor Boy Peg Boat", transitional, with box
circa 1950

Holgate #130 Sailor Boy Peg Boat
circa 1950-1951

Holgate #132 "Nesting Cup Cart" (type III)
circa 1950-1953

Holgate #132 "Nesting Cup Cart" (type III), with box
circa 1950-1953

Holgate #136 Rub-A-Dub Peg
circa 1950-1952

Holgate #212 “Aluminum Sand Pail and Tools” (pail only, yellowed)
circa 1950-1955

Holgate #212 “Aluminum Sand Pail and Tools” (pail only)
circa 1950-1955

Holgate #3042 "White Rabbit" puzzle, Beginner Series
circa 1950-1952

Holgate #633 "Sportster Car", plastic wheels
circa 1950-1951

Holgate #641 "School Bus"
circa 1950

Holgate #675 Station Wagon
circa 1950-1952

Holgate #721 "Baby Push", late
circa 1950-1952

Wooden toy lumber truck
circa 1950

Holgate #1052 "Color Cone", with Type 5 decal
circa 1951-1953

Holgate #1082 Bingo Bed, mint, in colored box, with manual
circa 1951

Holgate #1212 "Activity Train", late
circa 1951-1952

Holgate #2018 "Bell Ball Swing"
circa 1951

Holgate #3061, "the Milkman" puzzle
circa 1951-1952

Holgate #308 "Junior Squares Wagon"
circa 1951

Holgate #540 "Railroad Blocks", late, with uncommon (earlier?) bag
circa 1951-1952

"Holgate Toys - Train as well as entertain", brochure, 1952
circa 1952

Holgate #1107 "Rocky Color Cone", late, in box
circa 1952-1953

Holgate #140 Pattern Peg Tray, in box
circa 1952

Holgate #148 Baby Boat
circa 1952-1953

Holgate #3003 "Rain, Rain, Go Away" puzzle
circa 1952

Holgate #3005 "Little Boy Blue" puzzle
circa 1952

Holgate #638 "Auto Convoy Trailer", late
circa 1952-1953

Holgate #755 Form Peg Wagon, 4-hole
circa 1952-1953

Holgate #1212 Activity Train (late/Type III?)
circa 1953

Holgate #1215 "Activity Train"
circa 1953-1959

Holgate #1215 "Activity Train", with box
circa 1953-1959

Holgate #151 "Bild-R-Jig"
circa 1953

Holgate #153 "Bodkin Art Frame", in box
circa 1953

Holgate #3101 "Horses" puzzle
circa 1953

Holgate #3101 "The Sales Lady" puzzle
circa 1953

Holgate #3110 "Ding, Dong, Dell", 23-piece puzzle
circa 1953

Holgate #3141 "Mistress Mary" puzzle
circa 1953

Holgate #3142 puzzle, "diddle diddle dumpling"
circa 1953

Holgate #3144 "Little Jack Horner", 7-piece beginner puzzle
circa 1953

Holgate #3145 "ginger bread boys", 8-piece beginner puzzle
circa 1953

Holgate #3146 "ride a cock-horse" puzzle
circa 1953

Holgate #3166 puzzle, "our dear Friend the School Teacher"
circa 1953

Holgate #3171 "All Aboard" puzzle
circa 1953

Holgate #3174 "Wash Day" puzzle
circa 1953

Holgate #3175 "needles and pins", Junior Puzzles
circa 1953

Holgate #3176 puzzle, "choo choo"
circa 1953

Holgate #3177 "School Day" puzzle
circa 1953

Holgate #3180 "Penguin Family", 15 piece puzzle
circa 1953

Holgate #529 "R. R. Block Car"
circa 1953

Holgate #529 "R.R. Block Car" (2nd example)
circa 1953

Redipoint advertising pencil, "Holgate Toys"
circa 1953

Holgate #1912 "Red Wagon Blocks", in box
circa 1954-1955

Holgate #3201 "Hickory Dickory Clock"
circa 1954-1955

Holgate #798 "Door Knob Mail Box", in box
circa 1954-1955

Holgate #798 "Door Knob Mail Box", stamp only
circa 1954-1955

Holgate #1014 "Baby Beads" in box
circa 1956-1959

Holgate #1062 "Color Tree"
circa 1957

Holgate #2020 "Stilt Walkers"
circa 1957-1958

Holgate #688 "Trolley Car"
circa 1957-1959

Holgate #H1292 Junior Work Bench
circa 1957-1959

Holgate #1052 "Color Cone", late, with box
circa 1958-1959

Holgate #1075 "Topsy-Turvy TV"
circa 1958

Holgate #1510 "Pirates" puzzle plaque
circa 1958-1959

Holgate #H1200 "Noah's Ark"
circa 1958-1959

Holgate #1082 "Bingo Bed", late
circa 1959-1962

Holgate #303 "The Policeman" puzzle
circa 1959

Holgate #H209 "Fire Truck" puzzle
circa 1959

Holgate #H210 "School Bus" puzzle
circa 1959

Holgate #H212 "Airplane" puzzle
circa 1959

Holgate #H301 puzzle "Doctor and Nurse"
circa 1959

Holgate #H307 "TV Watchers" puzzle
circa 1959

Holgate #H310 "Little Boy Blue" (Puzzle Plaques)
circa 1959

Holgate #H401 Clowns (Puzzle Plaque) (missing piece and price tag)
circa 1959

Holgate #H402 Happy Anglers (Puzzle Plaque)
circa 1959

Holgate #H404 Bronco Buster (Puzzle Plaque)
circa 1959

Holgate #H406 "The Diver" puzzle
circa 1959

Holgate #H412 "Old Woman in Shoe" puzzle
circa 1959

Holgate #T32 "Lacing Skate Shoe"
circa 1959-1960

"holgate toys" catalog, 1960
circa 1960

Holgate #1107 "Rocky Color Cone" (late)
circa 1960-1962

Holgate #1605 Noah's Ark, in box
circa 1960-1961

Holgate #H1090 "Junior Work Bench"
circa 1960-1962

Holgate #H1125 "Counting Rattle"
circa 1960

Holgate #H1300A "Hickory Dickory Dock" puzzle
circa 1960-1964

Holgate #H1400 "Airport" 20-piece Puzzle Plaque
circa 1960-1964

Holgate #H1400 "Farm" 8-piece Puzzle Plaque
circa 1960-1964

Holgate #H1400A puzzle, "Indian"
circa 1960-1965

Holgate #H1500 or #H1500A birthday cake puzzle
circa 1960-1964

Unknown two-sided frameless Holgate puzzle, bird family/bunny family
circa 1960-1965

Unknown two-sided frameless Holgate puzzle, carriage/tug boats
circa 1960-1965

Unknown two-sided frameless Holgate puzzle, elephant/birds
circa 1960-1965

Unknown two-sided frameless Holgate puzzle, kangaroo/bunny
circa 1960-1965

"holgate toys" catalog, 1961
circa 1961

Holgate #H1150 Counting Frame
circa 1961-1962

Holgate #H1200A "Panda" puzzle
circa 1961-1964

Holgate #H1200A "Rocking Horse" 12-piece puzzle
circa 1961-1964

Holgate #H1200A "Rocking Horse" puzzle
circa 1961-1964

Holgate #H1200A puzzle, "Chick"
circa 1961-1964

Holgate #H1200A puzzle: policeman
circa 1961-1964

Holgate #H1300A "Little Boy Blue" puzzle
circa 1961-1964

Holgate #H1300A "Red Riding Hood" puzzle
circa 1961-1964

Holgate H1980 "Blocks and Rods"
circa 1961-1962

"holgate toys" catalog, 1962
circa 1962

Holgate #H1600A "Ludwig von Drake" puzzle
circa 1962-1964

Holgate #H1600A "Mickey Mouse"
circa 1962-1964

Holgate #H1600A Pinocchio Puzzle
circa 1962-1964

Holgate #H1600A puzzle "Bambi & Thumper"
circa 1962-1964

Holgate H1574 Time Teacher
circa 1964

Holgate #1066 "Twist-N-Turn Hydrant"
circa 1989

Holgate #1082 "Bingo Bed", re-issue
circa 1989

Holgate #1107 "Rocky Color Cone", re-issue
circa 1989

Holgate #1212 "Activity Train", re-issue
circa 1989

Holgate #1250 "Fairyland Train", re-issue
circa 1989

Holgate #130 "Sailor Peg Boat", re-issue
circa 1989

Holgate #136 "Rub-A-Dub Peg"
circa 1989

Holgate #5135 "Baby Train", re-issue
circa 1989

Holgate #610 "Circus Wagon", re-issue
circa 1989

Holgate #633-W "Sportster Car"
circa 1989

Holgate #634 "Camp Peg Trailer with Sportster Car"
circa 1989

Holgate #639 "Touring Sedan"
circa 1989

Holgate #640 "School Bus" in box, signed
circa 1989

Holgate #640 "School Bus", re-issue
circa 1989

Holgate #670 "Holgate Ambulance"
circa 1989

Holgate #672 "Service Truck" in box
circa 1989

Holgate #675 "Station Wagon", re-issue
circa 1989

Holgate #755 "Form Peg Wagon", re-issue
circa 1989

Holgate #790 "Lacing Shoe"
circa 1989

Holgate "Zippo Collector's Express" wooden truck toy
circa 1991

Holgate #1016 "Jumbo Lacing Beads"
circa 1991-1999

Holgate #548 "Wagon of Playroom Blocks"
circa 1991-1993

Holgate #638 "Police Car"
circa 1991-1993

Holgate #648 "Fire Chief Car"
circa 1991-1993

Holgate #648 "Fire Chief Car", LACKPA
circa 1991-1993

Holgate #671 "Rescue Squad"
circa 1991-1993

Holgate #673 "Recycling Truck"
circa 1991-1993

Holgate #677 "Hose Company No. 1"
circa 1991-1993

Holgate #679 "Taxi"
circa 1991-1992

Holgate "Clinton/Gore '92" bus
circa 1992

Holgate "Kane Liquid Fuels Inc" tanker, in box
circa 1992

Holgate #651-A "Delivery Truck"
circa 1992

"HOLGATE TOY CO 38" license plate
circa 1993

[ no image ]
Holgate (tree logo) Product Registration Card
circa 1993

Holgate #632A "Ford Race Car", #38 Bobby Hamilton
circa 1993

Holgate #632A black race car
circa 1993

Holgate Bobby Hamilton race car T-Shirt
circa 1993

[ no image ]
Holgate mailer
circa 1993

Holgate "Apple Valley Farms" truck
circa 1996

Holgate "Clinton/Gore '96" bus
circa 1996

"Holgate" catalog, 1999
circa 1999

Holgate Air Force One desk model
circa 2000

Holgate #1204 "Raggedy Ann and Andy", 2008 limited edition
circa 2008

Holgate Air Force One desk model, President Obama
circa 2009-2021

Holgate #HHZ105 "Handeez Wooden Police Car"
circa 2014

Holgate Air Force One plane with Ronald Reagan

Set of 100+ Halsam wooden "American Bricks"

View-Master stereo viewer

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