HC&M: "Holgate Toys" Catalog #19, 1943

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Name "Holgate Toys" Catalog #19, 1943

Catalog ID HCM3290
Year 1943
Description "Holgate Toys | They train as well as entertain | 1943 | Catalog No. 19 | HOLGATE BROTHERS COMPANY | KANE . PENNSYLVANIA"

14 pages. Pages 12-13 are a spread of the "Toys of Today":
No. 669 155MM Tank
No. 670 Army Ambulance
No. 665 Jeep Destroyer Tank [sic, jeep and anti-tank gun]
No. 624 Battle Tank
No. 666 Army Six x Six
No. 664 Army Jeep

The military toys "were designed in response to a demand by parents and teachers who felt that ... wholesome scientific war toys were a normal and desirable outlet for children."

Includes a tri-folded price list, which appears to be a later copy, as well as a copy of a 1989 newspaper article about the revival of the Holgate brand, printed off the internet in 2004.
Added 2015-11-07 14:52:14 (updated 2019-06-17 17:06:30)
Dimensions 8.5x11