HC&M: "Gorton Pantograph Instruction Book and Parts Catalog"

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Name "Gorton Pantograph Instruction Book and Parts Catalog"

Catalog ID HCM2578
Year 1950
Description "For All Pantograph Engraving Machines
Copy-type and Masters
also Cutter Grinding
George Gorton Machine Co.
Racine, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
Form 1385-E"

79 pages, including fold-outs, with red/black textured card covers.

Instructions for models: 3-U, 3-F - 3-Z, 3-X - 3-B, 3-L - 3-S - 3-K - 3-R.

Parts lists for obsolete models: M-E, 1-A, 1-C, 1-D, 1-G, 1-H, 1-J, 1-S, 1-T, 3-A, 3-C, 3-D, 3-G, 3-H, 3-J, 3-T.

Also P13.
Added 2013-02-10 13:34:41 (updated 2019-06-17 17:06:30)