HC&M: "Chicago Aeronuts Bulletin" Jan 18 '46

Collections Online->Model Aircraft ->Chicago Aeronuts Bulletin

Name "Chicago Aeronuts Bulletin" Jan 18 '46
Catalog ID HCM2451
Year 1946
Description January 18, 1946. 2 pages.

Suggests new (since 1942) members get to know the old-timers.

In the "POOP FROM THE GROUP" section:
"Seems that in the last issue of AIR TRAILS Louis GARAMI sez he is the FIRST to make a wingless autogiro floo. Seemz to Ye Ed that an Associate Aeronut, now of the Navy, OTTO CURTH, had one flying about the various indoor sites in Chi something like six years ago. And it was a 'mike' job, at that. Why doesn't this gang of butchers from the East Coast get on the ball?"

(In unmarked yellow folder of Nuts ephemera)
Added 2012-06-03 23:43:30 (updated 2019-07-22 00:38:39)
Dimensions 8.5x11