HC&M: "A System of Exercise and Instruction of Field-Artillery", 2nd? Ed.

Collections Online->Books ->US Military Manuals ->Pre-WWII Manuals
Collections Online->Books ->Collectible Books ->Early American Imprints

Name "A System of Exercise and Instruction of Field-Artillery", 2nd? Ed.

Catalog ID HCM2194
Year 1833
Description "A System of Exercise and Instruction of Field-Artillery, including Manoeuvres for Light or Horse-Artillery.

Published by the Department of War, under the Authority of an Act of Congress of the 2d of March, 1829.

Hilliard, Gray and Company.

Ex-Seymour Public Library (confirmed discarded by library director).

Spine missing, boards loose.
Added 2010-10-25 22:46:35 (updated 2019-06-16 12:45:00)
Dimensions 4.5x7.5