HC&M: "Fairchild - for Photography from the Air"

Collections Online->Books ->Reference Books
Collections Online->Militaria ->WWII ->Gun Cameras

Name "Fairchild - for Photography from the Air"

Catalog ID HCM1899
Year circa 1936
Description Fairchild Aerial Camera Corporation
62-10 Woodside Avenue . Woodside, New York
A Division of Fairchild Aircraft Corportation

Hardback, spiral-bound. Printed in black and blue. Cover in black, blue and red.

Includes 17 pages on the Fairchild Camera Machine Gun Type CG16, also known as Gun Camera Mark VI Mod 3 by the US Navy, or Type H-2, by the Army.
Added 2009-05-18 23:05:19 (updated 2020-12-01 21:40:42)
Dimensions 9x11.5