HC&M: TM 11-456 "Wire Telegraphy"

Collections Online->Books ->US Military Manuals ->Technical Manuals

Name TM 11-456 "Wire Telegraphy"

Catalog ID HCM1845
Year 1942
Description July, 15, 1942. 99 pages. Marked "839TH." in ink on cover.

I. Single-line telegraphy
II. Simplexed, composited and phantom circuits
III. Grounds
IV. Telegraph Relays
V. Duplex telegraphy
VI. Teletypewriter machines
VII. Teletypewriter circuits
VIII. Telegraph repeaters
IX. Telegraph switchboards

I. Index to Technical and Field Manuals
II. Glossary of terms

Added 2009-04-11 21:55:18 (updated 2019-06-16 12:48:54)
Dimensions 5.5x8.5