HC&M: "The battle-wise Infantryman..." (large format)

Collections Online->Militaria ->WWII ->US ->Posters ->Security Posters
Collections Online->Militaria ->WWII ->US ->Posters ->OWI Posters

Name "The battle-wise Infantryman..." (large format)

Catalog ID HCM1425
Year 1944
Description "The battle-wise Infantryman...is careful of what he says or writes HOW ABOUT YOU?"
"U.S Government Printing Office 1944-O-602442 Distributed for the Issuing Agency by OWI"

With mailing label printed on back.

Rubber stamp showing it was received in Bloomfield, NJ, at 2:30 on OCT 9 1944.

Very good condition.
Added 2008-08-11 10:58:26 (updated 2019-06-17 17:04:24)
Dimensions 28x40