HC&M: "Manual H&R Reising Submachine Gun and Semi-Automatic Rifle"

Collections Online->Books ->US Military Manuals

Name "Manual H&R Reising Submachine Gun and Semi-Automatic Rifle"

Catalog ID HCM1386
Year 1942
Description "Manual H&R Reising Submachine Gun and Semi-Automatic Rifle", "Compiled to Familiarize Operators with the Mechanics and Uses of the H&R Reisings."

47 page softcover manual, printed in black and blue, cover in red and blue. Hand dated "4/5/43" with owner name "Peter Scheidt" on cover.

Red, white and blue paper pendant glued to cover, with "ARMY", "NAVY" and an "E" in a gold wreath.

Not an official military manual, but very similar to the pre-war Auto-Ordnance Thompson manuals.
Added 2008-06-23 21:46:23 (updated 2019-06-16 17:41:28)
Dimensions 5.25x7.5