HC&M: "Upton's Infantry Tactics", Hugh T. Reed

Collections Online->Books ->US Military Manuals ->Pre-WWII Manuals

Name "Upton's Infantry Tactics", Hugh T. Reed

Catalog ID HCM1315
Year 1886
Description "Upton's Infantry Tactics, Abridged and Revised, Embracing the Schools of the Squad and Company, Skirmishers, Inspection, etc. By Permission of the Owners of the Copyright of Upton's Infantry Tactics. Second Edition; with Decisions and Illustrations from 1882 to 1886. By Lieut. Hugh T. Reed, U.S. Army."

Small paperback.
Added 2008-01-29 08:17:58 (updated 2019-06-16 12:45:00)
Dimensions 3.75x5.25