HC&M: Holgate #315 or #316 Junior Blocks Wagon (for 24 blocks, ship theme)

Collections Online->Antiques ->Toys ->Holgate ->Holgate Blocks ->Junior Blocks

Name Holgate #315 or #316 Junior Blocks Wagon (for 24 blocks, ship theme)
Catalog ID HCM4341
Year circa 1936-1937
Description Another ship wagon, found in the 1937 catalog, to hold 24 colored or plain blocks. Very similar to Holgate #313 18 Plain Junior Blocks in wagon, but shallower and each corner is held by a top screw and a bottom nail, instead of two screws. Wheels are the same size. Colors are inverted. Bottom and insides are not painted. Bottom piece is, like in the other, a thick cardboard, nailed into place.

Woven rope is unusually long and thick.

Wagon is 7 1/2 x 4 square units.
Added 2020-01-18 16:40:52 (updated 2022-03-30 10:04:23)
Dimensions 12.25x20.25x1.875 plus axles and wheels