HC&M: "Searchlight: Homemaking Guide"

Collections Online->Books ->Collectible Books ->Period How-Tos

Name "Searchlight: Homemaking Guide"
Catalog ID HCM2508
Year 1949
Description Hardback, from the publishers of "Household". 320 pages.

Sections (thumbtabs):
Setting a Table
Serving Meals
Menus for All Occasions
Cooking for Large Groups
Exercise and Good Looks
The Sickroom
Physical Care of the Baby
Mental Health of the CHild
Building the Home
Floors Woodwork and Walls
Furnishing the Home
Buying Fabrics
Buying Household Equipment
The Laundry
Destroying Household Pests

Added 2012-09-04 23:28:51 (updated 2019-07-09 23:33:03)