HC&M: "Machine Gun Drill, Machine Gun Marksmanship"

Collections Online->Books ->US Military Manuals ->Pre-WWII Manuals

Name "Machine Gun Drill, Machine Gun Marksmanship"

Catalog ID HCM1325
Year circa 1918-1940
Description "MACHINE GUN DRILL Elementary Gun Drill, MACHINE GUN MARKSMANSHIP Preparatory Exercises", "Military Service Publishing Company Washington, D.C. and Harrsiburg, PA."
Softcover with no title page, 19 pages.

Covers use of the M1917 machinegun with the Models 1917 and 1918 tripods.
Added 2008-02-09 11:20:26 (updated 2019-06-16 12:48:54)
Dimensions 6x9.25